Kids Corner

Creative Processes

Creative processes utilizing sandtray encourage strengths and resources to build resilience

Family Sandtray

Family Sandtray work supports healing in disorganized chaotic families, Clarifying family structure and identifying problems in relationships.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is an invaluable tool to encourage non verbally the externalization of internalized thoughts and feelings. Visual imagery aids in the integration of positive thoughts .

Sensory Rich Activities

Sensory Rich Activities created to meet the individual needs of clients enrich the therapeutic process. Mindfulness of sensory information offers tools for clients to understand how to use sensory integration tools in their healing.

Therapeutic attachment Games

Therapeutic attachment games using props to create metaphors for trauma memories such as a bear help to build an understanding of how our brain and body respond to fear. Taming the bear attachment game is a family favorite.

Real kids sending messages from kids to kids

One aspect of Trauma treatment with children focuses on playful metaphors to help children understand the function of fear and when benign events in their lives look frightening to them. Taming the bear and fighting their dragons are fun and playful ways to address terrifying events from the pst.